
Alejandro Miranda


Ph. D. Ecosistemas Forestales y Recursos Naturales (Universidad Austral, 2019). CR2 - Center for Climate and Resilience Research.

Experiencia en estudios de la dinámica espacio temporal en ecosistemas forestales y cambio de cobertura del suelo mediante sensores remotos. Posee experiencia en ecología del paisaje, análisis espacial y modelación ecológica.

alemiranda [at] uchile.cl
Google Scholar


Exploring the multidimensional effects of human activity and land cover on fire occurrence for territorial planning. Journal of Environmental Management.
Fire Scars: remotely sensed historical burned area and fire severity in Chile between 1984-2018.
Deep fire topology: Understanding the role of landscape spatial patterns in wildfire occurrence using artificial intelligence
Evidence-based mapping of the wildland-urban interface to better identify human communities threatened by wildfires
A firebreak placement model for optimizing biodiversity protection at landscape scale
The Landscape Fire Scars Database: mapping historical burned area and fire severity in Chile


Diseño de paisajes resistentes a incendios forestales integrando modelos de simulación, optimización e inteligencia artificial
Entendiendo la configuración espacial de los paisajes resistentes a incendios forestales mediante inteligencia artificial
FIRE-RES: Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe

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Miembros de nuestro equipo participan del SSAFR, principal foro internacional sobre el análisis de recursos forestales.


Cell2Fire W: The extended version includes the Kitral and Scott&Burgan fire behaviour models.